
favorite sales books
Leadership, Sales
My favorite sales books

I hear the question “what’s your favorite sales book?” so often you’d think I would be tired of it, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I can’t pick...

quotapath launch
Company, Leadership
Lessons learned: Takeaways from QuotaPath’s launch

It was 11:45 p.m. on July 31st and I was furiously jumping between slack channels as we worked through the final details in preparation for our launch the very next...

favorite sales compensation plan
My Favorite Sales Compensation Plan

Update: Although this piece originally published in 2019, AJ has confirmed as of Dec. 9, 2021, that the following remains true today.  Given my experience leading and running sales teams...

traits of good sales reps
Two traits that great sales reps share

I was having the same conversation with my managers each month when we got to our talent review meeting. Every month, we stacked ranked the team in three categories, “Outstanding,”...

what makes a good compensation plan?
What makes a good sales compensation plan?

At least twice a week, I get asked about compensation plans: “What do you think of this?” “How can I get my team to buy into this plan?” “Have you...

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