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august quokka winner
Meet QuokaPath’s August Winner: Gerard Ayala

Every month, QuotaPath collects nominations from our customers to name a Quokka of the Month. We’re thrilled to announce our QuokkaPath August winner below. Nominated for excelling as a mentor...

bluebird sales deal
What’s a bluebird sales deal, and how do I pay for it?

Your sales compensation plan is all set up, you have balanced a plan that is attainable yet challenging. It’s lucrative for the reps and profitable for the company. It has...

example compensation communication plan
Example compensation communication plan

The blog below includes 10 best practices and an example compensation communication plan to follow when deploying new plans and adjustments. It’s mid-year. The sales team has been hitting their...

sales nerds live with amelia taylor
Sales Nerds Live! Ep. 3 recap “Prospecting Tips from a Cold Calling Champ”

On Sales Nerds Live Ep. 3, our host and QuotaPath Sales Nerd, Graham Collins welcomed Carabiner Group Account Executive Amelia Taylor to the show! Amelia recently earned the title “Cold Calling Champion”...

how to select your commission tracking software
Product and Tools
How to select your commission tracking software

Right now, tech companies are going through mass layoffs due to the emerging recession. However, maximizing your business’ return on investments is the best way to retain a talented sales...

copper quotapath integration
Product and Tools
QuotaPath announces new Copper CRM integration

Big news! As of today, QuotaPath offers a native Copper CRM integration. That’s right, the CRM applauded for its seamless experience and full functionality with Google Workspace has a new...

quickbooks commission tracking
Product and Tools
QuickBooks commission tracking: Your options

Can you run QuickBooks commission tracking? Below, we introduce QuickBooks and its capabilities. But most importantly, we share how to use QuickBooks with QuotaPath’s commissions management solutions. First, what does...

how to design sales compensation plans
How to design sales compensation plans

QuotaPath’s Senior Director of RevOps Ryan Milligan originally published a version of “How to design sales compensation plans” with Pavilion.  A good compensation plan is like anything in business: If...

is your POC the decision maker?
Is your POC the decision maker? Here’s how to tell.

Countless hours of research. Sales training after sales training. You’re actively perfecting your demo, editing your sales email template, and finetuning your cold call script. You’re even bantering like a...

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