quotapath and revenue collective
QuotaPath + Revenue Collective: Driving compensation awareness & education

Big news has hit the sales community today. Drum roll please… We’re excited to announce that QuotaPath has entered into a strategic partnership with Revenue Collective, a membership organization of...

controls of sales commissions
Company, Product and Tools
QuotaPath Plus is here: Advanced controls for team commissions

Calculating commissions is a breezy process. It’s automated, with accurate and reliable data, and easily trackable. A single source of truth makes sharing simple, scalable, and organized. Sales leaders have...

linkedin sales star aj bruno
Sales thought leader: AJ Bruno makes #37 on LinkedIn Sales Stars list

There’s a running joke in our office that we’re trying to turn our CEO, AJ Bruno, into a #LinkedInfluencer. He continues to remain humble, but his successful career in sales...

how to prevent burnout in sales
How to prevent burnout in sales

This is a guest post from Jacob Walker, Business Development Manager at Rev.com. Interested in writing for us? Contact info@quotapath.com. Let’s talk about burnout. Everyone experiences it, but sales is...

virtual high fives
Creativity in Crisis: Spreading joy with virtual high fives

Creativity is born out of constraint We had planned ambitious marketing and growth goals for QuotaPath in 2020. Less than three months in the world changed as a result of...

how to measure sales performance
How to measure sales performance in 30, 60 and 90-days

The first 90 days of a sales rep’s tenure at a new company are likely the most important 90 days of their career at that company. Not only does it...

sales training programs
6 Highly Rated Sales Training Programs for 2020

Good sales training programs can be a highly effective way to improve the performance of your sales teams. In fact, a study done by CSOInsights, the research division of Miller...

women in tech
Celebrating our women who tech

Sunday, March 8th marks International Women’s Day. The UN’s webpage for the day describes it as, “…a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate...

melanie taube
Meet the team: Melanie Taube, Head of Creative Marketing

Tell me about your journey that lead you to QuotaPath? So many Paths! (no pun intended). I studied Design and Public Relations & Communication in college. I started my career...

compensation horror stories
Sales compensation plans: Real-life horror stories

Raise your hand if you’ve ever encountered a bad situation with your compensation. If you work in sales, you probably have a story or two (or ten!). We asked the...

Product and Tools
Introducing MyPath: A sales journal made for you

If there’s one thing we will always preach at QuotaPath, it’s the empowerment of sales reps. It’s ingrained in our DNA, product philosophy, and even the way we run our...

NYE resolutions
5 New Year’s resolutions for sales reps

“How can I sell more this year?” A question that most sales reps ask themselves at the beginning of every year. According to the Salesforce.com’s, ‘State of Sales’ report, 57%...

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