Chief Sales Officer and Chief Revenue Officer. They’re the two positions typically tasked with leading a sales organization. They take care of everything from helping to build a winning sales...
When you’re ready to take your sales company to the next level, it’s time to bring in a Chief Sales Officer. These industry pros know buyer personas and basic funnels...
In 2017, more than half of sales reps missed their quotas. A career in sales is the opposite of stability. Commission-based compensation is exciting when things are going well. When you’re new...
Learning how to motivate your sales team is one of the most important things you can learn as a leader. Some employees respond to gentle encouragement, while others need more...
“Success” is a big word, but it’s also a vague one. It’s hard to figure out whether your sales team is meeting goals if you don’t have a way to...
There are a lot of ways to “make it” in sales. Some love to be totally hands on, sticking with customer-facing positions that include tons of daily interaction with a...
At QuotaPath, we firmly believe that the cold call is alive and well. In order to prove that out, we asked some top salespeople for their number one cold calling...
There are a lot of red flags you should be aware of when looking for sales job postings. When I see a job description that says someone needs to be...
Since we launched QuotaPath in August of 2019, I’ve heard a lot of reasons why people don’t use sales commission software. These are the three most common reasons I hear:...
One of the great debates in cold calling methodology is the voicemail; to leave or not to leave? The anti-voicemail camp believes that by not leaving a voicemail, you stay...
Are you working from home due to COVID-19 like a lot of salespeople? You probably burned your way through Tiger King months ago, finished the Aaron Hernandez documentary in one...
You invested your company’s money into a call recording software. Your reps are all recording all their demos and sales calls. There are lots of benefits from recording calls. The...